Lady Demeter Biography

O do not tell the priest of our art, for they will call it sin; For we shall be in the woods all night, a-conjuring winter in…

Lady Demeter and White Windhorse

Lady Demeter is a third degree initiate of the the old religion. A practitioner for over 40 years, she is considered an elder of the craft. She was initiated by Lord Sariel (who was initiated on the Isle of Man) and Lady Sepheria from the Coven of Cerridwen during the mid-1970’s. She is of Lithuanian, Polish, German, English and Welsh descent; from a lineage of wise women, psychics and initiates of the old religion. Her tradition is Nature-based spirituality, honoring: Father Heaven, Mother Earth, Mother Moon, Mother Goddess in her many guises,The Horned God- Lord of the Forest-guardian of all wild place and all wild living things, Spirits of the Ancestors, Mighty Watchers of the Four directions, Mighty Guardians of the Upper and Lower Worlds, Spirits of the Animals, Plants and Nature. Her special talents include: Herbalist, Homeopath,Tarotist, Astrologer, Dream/Symbol Interpreter, Animal communicator, Artist, Writer and Vegan Chef. An expert horsewomen, she lives on an organic farm with her beloved husband, horses, dogs, cats, peacocks and magickal garden.

In the Magick Garden with a giant Grandfather Sunflower
Lady Demeter draws with India Ink and Crow Quill Pen to create Corvus Greenwood logo.
“O light, light, light ” she cries, “farewell; The coal-black horses wait for me. O shades of shades, where I must dwell, Demeter, mother far from thee! Ah, fated doom that I fulfill.” -from Persephone, by Jean Ingelow