Before Candlemas ‘Increase your Luck’ Spell

January 22nd, 2018

Below is my daily altar, with a red Archangel Michael candle. I always have an assortment of these candles on hand, in a variety of colors. They are inexpensive and burn for several days. Best of all, they have never failed me! Whether, I burn blue for a healing, white for help with a spiritual matter or green for a money spell, etc. I find these candles perfect for candle Magick.

The Archangel Michael is known as the Angel of nature, who gives us both food and knowledge. Red candles are used in ritual to ‘change ones luck for the better’, also to impart courage, determination, self-confidence, action, activation, achievement, ambition and motivation. Orange candles are used in ritual to impart optimism, expansion, success, happiness, encouragement, motivation and stimulation.

Here we are before Candlemas 2018 and now is a great time for an “Increase your Luck’ Spell”. You need a waxing or full moon and a red or orange candle. You can anoint the candle with the appropriate herb-infused oil if you wish. You can burn a good quality Frankincense and Myrrh incense (or your favorite attraction incense) while you do this. Write your prayer or request on a piece of paper. Read it out-loud, while petitioning your patron God or Goddess to hear and answer your request.

End your prayer with:

“Up to Heaven I fly, for favors pray I;
Up to Heaven most high, and down to Earth I call Thee!
O most ancient (name of deity) hear my prayer addressed to thee and As My Will, So Mote It Be!”

Place the written prayer under or near the candle. Before the candle flame goes out, burn some additional incense.

Read your prayer out-loud again, then say:

“Up to Heaven I fly, for favors pray I;
Up to Heaven most high, and down to Earth I call Thee! Oh mighty and benevolent (name of deity),
I thank thee for listening to my prayer and I humbly ask thee to grant my request.
​Oh ancient, Blessed One, hear my prayer addressed to thee and As My Will, So Mote It Be”

Now burn your written prayer by lighting it with the candle’s flame and setting it in your thurible to burn itself out. If paper ignites rapidly, with a large flame and burns quickly, it is considered a sign that your prayer has ascended up to spirit and that the outcome will be favorable.

​Blessed Be, L.D.

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